Teine n2dal Jenny juures m88dus kiiresti, kuna me t88tasime t2ispikki p2evasid, aidates tal tema praegust projekti - terrassi remonti - l6pule viia. Jenny tahtis oma terrassi kinniseks ehitada, kuna ta k88k asub terrassil ja talviti l2heb siin piisavalt kylmaks. Joe ja Paolo m66tsid ja l6ikasid puust plaadid millega terrassi 22red kinni ehitasid ja mina k2isin neil j2rgi, t2ites plaatide vahesid t2item8ksiga ja v2rvides plangud valgeks. Seej2rel valmistasid nad terrassi ette ka professionaalsele ehitajale kivimosaiikp6randa mahapanemiseks. Peale selle v2rvisin mina veel terve hunniku asju, sh katuse22ri, uksesid, aknaid jms. Teha oli meil palju, aga t88 oli meeldiv, ja nyyd on Jennyl kaunis kinnine terrass (peaaegu kinnine – Joe peab veel aknad paika panema).
Meie viimase n2dala t88p2evi rikastas aga koerte m8llamine. Natuke taustainfot – Jenny muretses endale kaks emast koera m6ttega neid isastega paaritada (Mei Mei Brontega ja Chocolate Apple'iga). Tydrukud on ikka veel p2ris noored, seega tuli k6igile yllatusena, kui alles 9-kuusel Mei Meil j2rsku jooksuaeg hakkas. Otsekoheselt l2ksid Bronte ja Apple t2iesti p88raseks, joostes vahetpidamata Mei Mei j2rel, samal ajal yksteisele koguaeg hambaid n2idates ja urisedes (vaatamata sellele, et Bronte on ilmselgelt alfaisane, ning et Jenny plaani j2rgi on Mei Mei Bronte oma nii v6i naa). Mei Mei omalt poolt oli ootamatust t2helepanust vaheldumisi ylimalt meelitatud v6i sellest 22rmiselt 2rritatud. Fakt oli aga see, et hormoonid m8llasid ja kolm koera k2itusid n2dal otsa t2iesti talumatult, joostes ringi nagu hullud. Nad suutsid isegi palli olemasolu t2iesti 2ra unustada! Chocolate, vaeseke, aga tundis ennast kogu selle hullumaja taustal v2ga hyljatuna ning n2is teda ymbritsevast kaosest ysna segaduses olevat. Ta oli eelmise n2dala jooksul ainus normaalne koer. 6nneks on nyydseks k6ik maha rahunenud ja Bronte ja Apple on j2lle s6brad. Eks paari kuu p2rast saab n2ha kas kogu sellest fiaskost ka kutsikad tulevad.
T88p2eva 6htuti olime me aga Jenny poolt t2ielikult 2ra hellitatud. Ta on olnud uskumatult helde ning me oleme saanud tema juures syya nagu kuningad. Lihav6teteks oli ta meile ostnud hiiglasliku koguse v2rskeid hiidkrevette ning on yleyldse meid varustanud k6ige hea ja tervislikuga millest syya teha. Seega, et teda omalt poolt t2nada, otsustas Paolo yhel 6htul pizzat kypsetada. Loomulikult kukkus pizza v2lja v2ga h2sti ja oli k6igile meeltm88da (Jenny s6nul “Parim pizza mida ma eales maitsnud olen”), mist6ttu Jenny tahtis omalt poolt midagi meile valmistada. Seega olid j2rgmiseks 6htuks menyys hiinap2rased aurutatud sealihapelmeenid ja magustoiduks tume riisipuding kookoskreemiga (nj2m!). Ning Jenny, n2hes et meile meeldib veini juua (me olime omale 6htul joomiseks ostnud odavamapoolset punast), on meid yhtlasi sundinud oma enda h2id veine jooma ning t6i isegi kapist v2lja pudeli portveini 1971. (!) aastast. Ta vabandas oma absurdset heldek2elisust sellega, et ta ise pole suurem veinijooja. Peab ytlema ka, et Jennyga vaidlemine on t2iesti v6imatu, seega olime me p2rast oma n6rkasid vastupunnitamisi sunnitud alla andma ja ta imemaitsvat portveini nautima.
Reedel p2rast Jenny pool t88ga yhele poole saamist l2ksime me Paologa kesklinna, et kokku saada Jenniferi ja Williamiga, meie australlastest Edinburghi korterikaaslastega. Nad kolisid Edinburghist tagasi Sydneysse juba kolm aastat tagasi, seega oli tore neid j2lle yle pika aja n2ha. Me l2ksime Darling Harbouri kanti restorani, kus ma s6in k2nguruliha (mis oli verine ja imemaitsev) ja Paolo tellis endale krokodilliburgeri. Naljakal kombel maitseb krokodilliliha nagu midagi kala ja kanaliha vahepealset, v2ga maitsev igal juhul.
Laup2eval hyppasime me Paologa rongi peale ja s6itsime m6neks p2evaks Sydneyst l22ne poole, kahe tunni kaugusel asuvatesse Sinim2gedesse (Blue Mountains), et veel Austraalia kaunist loodusest viimast v6tta enne kui me minema s6idame. Sinim2ed on oma nime saanud selle j2rgi, et kaugelt vaadates on m2gedel sinakas toon. Kogu piirkond on tegelikult kaugelt vaadates justkui sinise h2guga kaetud, ja v2idetavalt p6hjustab seda kogu piirkonda kattev eukalyptimets. Tuleb v2lja, et eukalyptipuud eritavad 6hku teatud sorti molekule, mis peegeldavad valgust sinisena.
Me olime kinni pannud kolm 88d Katoomba kylas, m2gede peamises turismikeskuses. Ma ei oodanud kylast endast midagi, aga tuli v2lja et Katoomba on yllatavalt suur ja v2ikese kyla kohta v2ga elav. Seal leidus ka ebaproportsionaalselt palju antiik- ja taaskasutuspoode, millest osades leidus t6eliselt kummalisi myygiartikleid (nt topistest possum ja j2nes, seatud kalastajapoosi, k2ppades miniatuursed 6nged ja puha). Me jalutasime l2bi kyla p2ris mitmel korral, aga enamus ajast veetsime siiski rahvuspargis matkates. Esimesel p2rastl6unal suundusime me otsemaid kuulsat Kolme 6e kivimoodustist vaatama ja m2giseid vaateid imetlema. Kolm 6de on oma nime saanud kohaliku aborigeenilegendi j2rgi, mis r22gib loo sellest, kuidas kunagi oli yhes h6imus kolm kaunist 6de. 6ed armusid naaberh6imust p2rit kolme noorde s6dalasse, ent h6imureeglite j2rgi oli see lubamatu. S6dalased ei olnud sellega rahul ning kuulutasid v2lja h6imus6ja, et kolm 6de endale saada. 6dede h6imu kylatark (v6i shaaman) ytles loitsu ja muutis 6ed s6ja l6ppemiseni kaljudeks. Ent 6nnetul kombel sai kylatark ise v6itlemise k2igus surma ning keegi teine ei saanud loitsu 2ra v6tta. Seega j2idki 6ed kaljudeks ning seal on nad t2nap2evani. Tegelikkuses leidub selliseid kivimoodustisi k6ikjal rahvuspargis, kuna m2ed on liivakivist, mis on seal kunagi voolanud vee poolt aastatuhandeid erodeerunud, j2ttes kohati alles vaid yksinuna seisvad kivimoodustised ning yle kogu maastiku veerenud, m2e kyljest lahti murdunud rahnud.
J2rgmisel kahel p2eval l2ksime me pikkadele matkadele, et Sinim2gedest viimast v6tta. Oli vaimustav, kuidas m2e eri kylgedel on loodus niiv6rd erinev. Yleyldse oli seal matkates tunda, et tegemist on v2ga metsiku paigaga ning sealne vihmamets tundus eelajalooline – v6is justkui eeldada, et iga hetk hyppaks kuskilt puu tagant dinosaurus v2lja. Sinim2gedes veedetud aeg oli ylimalt meeldiv ning tegemist oli meie Austraalia peatykile v2ga sobiva punktiga.
Eile tulime me tagasi Sydneysse, et siin veeta oma viimane 88 enne hommikul lennujaama suundumist. Jenny oli lahke ning lasi meil oma viimase 88 tema juures veeta. 6htus88giks kypsetasime me taaskord hunniku pizzat, et viimast 6htut t2histada ja Jennyle veelkord ait2h 8elda.
Austraalias veedetud aeg oli ylimalt tore, aga kindlasti on sama huvitav ka meie j2rgmine sihtpunkt – Vietnam.
Yesterday was our last day in Australia, as we are leaving after a brilliant three months Down Under. And we could not have hoped for a better finish for our stay here.
The second week at Jenny's went by quickly, since we worked hard all day, helping her finish her current ongoing project - refurbishing the terrace. Jenny wanted to close off the terrace, which is where her kitchen is, to make it less cold for the winters. Joe and Paolo worked on cutting timber planks to close off the open railings bordering the terrace, and I was filling the gaps on the edges of the planks and painting them white. They then also prepared the floor to be tiled with stone mosaic tiles, for the professional tiler to work on. Apart from that, I also painted tons of other things - eaves below and above roofs, a bunch of doors, some windows etc. We were very busy but the work was pleasant and rewarding, and Jenny now has a beautiful closed terrace (nearly, Joe still needs to put in windows).
Our working days were spiced up by the antics of the dogs. Now, a bit of background - Jenny bought the girls with the idea to breed them with the boys (Mei Mei with Bronte and Chocolate with Apple). The girls are still young, so it came as a bit of a surprise when Mei Mei, at only 9 months, began to be in heat. Consequently, Bronte and Apple became absolutely bonkers, following her around nonstop and growling and fighting amongst themselves (despite Bronte being clearly the Alpha, and also since by Jenny's design Mei Mei was his anyway). Mei Mei alternated in absolutely enjoying this new attention, or being utterly annoyed by it. Fact remained though, that hormones were high and the three dogs were running around like crazy around the clock. They even completely forgot the existence of the ball! Chocolate, poor thing, was really left out and seemed a bit confused at all the chaos. She remained the only normal one throughout last week. Luckily, by now it is all back to normal again and Bronte and Apple are friends again. I guess we'll see if any puppies come out of last week's events in a few months.
In the evenings, we were completely spoiled by Jenny. She has been incredibly generous and has been making sure we eat like kings. For Easter she had bought us a huge amount of king prawns, and in general providing us with super tasty and healthy things to cook. So, to thank her, Paolo decided to make pizza one night. Needless to say, it was super tasty and enjoyed by everyone ("Best pizza I have ever had in my life" - Jenny), so of course Jenny wanted to return the favour. So, next night, we feasted on super yummy Chinese steamed pork dumplings and a black rice pudding with coconut cream for dessert (yum!). And Jenny, seeing that we enjoy wine (we bought a box of red for us to enjoy in the evenings), has also been forcing us to drink her own wines, and even brought out an amazing port from 1971 (!) that she had in the house. She excused this outrageous generosity by saying that she doesn't drink much herself anyway. Also, it is impossible to argue with Jenny, so after some feeble attempts at trying to make her save her good wine for herself, we gave in and enjoyed the fabulous port.
On Friday, after finishing work at Jenny's, we went to the city centre to meet up with Jennifer and William, our Australian flatmates from Edinburgh. It was nearly three years since they left Edinburgh to come back to Sydney, so it was good to see them again and catch up. We went for a lovely dinner in a restaurant at Darling Harbour, where I had kangaroo steak (bloody and delicious) and Paolo had a crocodile burger. Funnily, crocodile meat tastes like something between chicken and fish, and is tasty as hell.
On Saturday, Paolo and I took a two-hour train journey west of Sydney to go to the famous Blue Mountains National Park for a few days, to enjoy the last of the gorgeous Australian wilderness before leaving the country. The Blue Mountains got their name from the fact that, from a distance, the mountains do appear a bit blue. The whole area in fact has a blue tinge to it if looked at from afar, and this is apparently caused by the Eucalyptus forests that surround the mountains. The Eucalyptus trees apparently emit some kind of molecules in the air that reflect light in such a way that it appears blue.
We had booked into a nice little hostel for three nights in Katoomba, the main village for accessing the mountains. I had expected nothing of the village itself, but it turned out to be surprisingly big, and very lively. It also had an unproportionate number of secondhand and antique shops, some of which had some truly baffling articles on sale (e.g. a stuffed possum and a rabbit, set in a fishing pose, complete with miniature fishing poles and everything). We strolled through the village a few times, but most of our time was spent hiking along the many paths in the national park. The first afternoon we went straight to see the famous Three Sisters rock formation and to admire the views. The Three Sisters are called so because of a legend of the local Aboriginal peoples. According to this, there once were three beautiful sisters of one tribe, who fell in love with three warriors from another tribe who lived nearby. However, due to tribal laws, it was forbidden for them to be together. The warriors were not happy with this and decided to go in to war with the tribe. The wise-man (or shaman) of the first tribe cast a spell to turn the three sisters into stone until the fighting was over. However, he died in the battle, and no one else could lift the spell. So the sisters remain there as rocks overlooking the mountains to this day. In reality, these types of standing rock formations occur all over the park, since the mountains are made of sandstone and have been eroded by the water that used to fill the valleys for eons, leaving jutting rocks in places, and huge tumbled boulders strewn all across the landscape.
The following two days we went on long hikes to get the most out of our stay, and were amazed at how different the scenery could be in different sides of the mountains. It felt really wild at times there, and the thick rainforest appeared truly primeval - you could almost expect a dinosaur to pop out at any moment from the bushes. We really enjoyed our time in the Blue Mountains, it was a fantastic and very relaxing end to our stay.
Yesterday we came back to Sydney to spend our final night there before heading to the airport early next morning. Jenny was kind enough to let us stay with her, and we made some more pizza to celebrate and to say thanks to her.
Australia was a blast, but I am sure it will be equally interesting at our next destination - Vietnam.
Esimene pizza6htu - Jenny, Joe ja Lexi // First pizza night - Jenny, Joe and Lexi |
Jenny j2rgmisel 6htul hiina pelmeenidega // Jenny the following night with dumplings |
Turistipilt Sinim2gedes // Tourist photo in the Blue Mountains |
Kolm 6de // The Three Sisters |
Paolo l6putu maastikuga // Paolo with the infinite landscape |
Ja l6putute trepiastmetega // And infinite steps |
Paolo poseerimas // Paolo under the influence of rock (sorry!) |
Paolo ja hiiglaslik kosk // Paolo and this massive waterfall |
Kummaline ent paeluv seinamaaling Katoomba kylas // A bizarre but captivating mural in Katoomba village |
Katoomba kyla t2navakunstinurk // Street art corner in Katoomba |
Hommikune udu metsas // Morning mist in the forest |
Siuke pehme karbiga tigu roomas m88da infoplaati // This lil' fella with a soft shell was making his way across an information plaque |
Niisama kykitan // Just chillin |
Yrgne mets // Primeval forest |
Viimased vaated... // Last views... |
V6i siis tuleb koor maha hoopis erkpunasena! // Or sometimes the bark is bright red! |
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